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Do you want to have some time off? Are you dreaming of a travel that will please you and your pocket? Here are few ways that will help you to choose your trip that does not cost a fortune.

 There is nothing nicer than time spent away from home. The hot sun that tans our skin. All this doesn’t have to be expensive. Look below to see my methods for budget traveling.


  • First, we need to focus on the time at which we want to start traveling. Any trip outside the season is much better for your pocket.Let’s take Spain and its islands as an example.Even outside the holiday season, the weather is not bad.Spring is perfect to visit if you want to be perfectly warm and wear short sleeves, but autumn won’t disappoint either. As an example, I will show the annual temperature in Murcia, Spain.As you can see in the attached picture, the temperature is favorable not only in the air, but also in the water.

  • If the trip is to be on a budget, we should consider something more than staying in a hotel. A good solution are guesthouses, apartments where you prepare your own meals or hotels where you share rooms. By choosing the option of cooking your own food, you have the opportunity to learn about local products, local markets and save money.


  • To save on attractions and transport, I recommend using public transport or walking, which also gives you a chance to see the atmosphere of the place in more detail and get to know the culture there. Each country has something different to offer. If we want to visit monuments, eat good food or enjoy the view of beautiful architecture, we must do a little price research on the Internet so as not to be surprised at the very end.Take Paris, France, for example.Notre Dame Cathedral and Sacred Heart Basilica are free. At the same time, you can see the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre up close.There are no fees charged from outside.Even though the Notre Dame Cathedral was closed to the public in 2019, we can still enjoy the beauty of its architecture.It is a building built in the 12th century and shows Gothic architecture, which was appreciated by many artists and writers.Even after so many years, she is still admired by many people around the world. When checking their website: we can check when it will open again, its history and many more.


  • Another thing are interesting promotions such as: Last minute or mystery destination holiday.Each offer is based on a short time to departure or a random location. This gives us a cheaper cost and interesting experiences. It may turn out that there are places in the area that you have not visited, or you did not expect them to be at an affordable price, but you would like to see them. In this way, we have a chance to get to know not only other cultures and countries, but also delve deeper into our own culture, available at our fingertips. 


  • Although a large expense comes to mind, this is not the case.The biggest expense in this case is getting to the place, but living there is not as expensive as everywhere else.  Looking at the map below, we can say that food products are much cheaper, so by renting a room in a guesthouse or shared rooms we can visit wonderful landscapes very cheaply. Very warm weather, many different species of plants and animals not seen everyday living in their natural environment. One such animal is Asian giant softshell that can reach more than 3.3 feet .[] And a plant that is not often seen is Asoka Tree that is a symbol of peace in Indian culture and have a really interesting history. [ ] There are free attractions and the opportunity to see it with your own eyes [without training that people serve them and without cages that they are trapped in] and admire it.

  • Another quite risky, but adrenaline-inducing trip is traveling with random people who will give you a ride to the place where they are going. This is risky, because we will never be fully sure whether the people who offer help are safe, or whether we will not come across a crazy person who may turn out to be crazy.As an example, I can give a man from Poland – Dawid Fazowski, who started his adventure this way. He goes from country to country and meets terrifying people and goes to dangerous places, but he is very happy with the opportunity to visit them and can see everything with his own eyes and talk to people who have experienced things that we have never even dreamed of. He presents his experiences on YouTube, X, Instagram, Facebook and has also written books that are available for purchase.In his films, he also shows places that are completely free to visit and have very interesting stories that are worth delving into to feel the power of the past and what it has brought us.


  • If traveling without a specific purpose is not encouraging, there is the possibility of becoming a volunteer, where we can closely observe the culture of the people living there. It is a combination of pleasant and useful. You can choose what you want help with. It may be to help with education or improve health and wellbeing. There are many organizations that deal with this. One of them is INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER HQ. All information is available on their website, where you can check your destination and chose what you want to help with.


There are many opportunities to plan your time not only well, but also cheaply. You don’t have to focus on advertisements and expensive offers we receive. It’s worth doing everything your own way.


Travel smarter not harder!

Are you feeling exhausted? Need time away, but you are on a budget? Are you ready to pack your bags and start exploring the world but not sure where to start? You are just in the perfect place to find out about it! You might be new to travelling, or maybe a seasonal traveller, it is crucial to be able to travel smarter and not harder, as it will make your life so much easier for you and will save you money but still allow you to live your life to the fullest! My aim in this blog to share many tips and hacks to help you make your trips are budget-friendly and unforgettable.

Throughout the year 2023 we have all experienced a massive growth in inflation which is also known as cost of living crisis. We can see increase in prices in our everyday life, weather we go to supermarkets and shop for food, or notice how much our bills went up – with that being said the holiday’s prices also went up! I took a look at one of the articles which is comparing the holiday’s packages from 2022 to 2023.

As you can see on the graph, the most popular holiday destinations have gone up by nearly 30% in just one year! Leaving many people and families not being able to afford a time away as the prices are ridicules.


My purpose is to show you that you can still get away, enjoy tour time weather you are travelling by yourself or with your family and don’t spend ridiculous amounts of money! Budged-friendly traveling is not only possible but also rewarding, creating beautiful and unforgettable memories. I am here to help you find affordable, accommodations, cheap flights and many free attractions as there are many ways to a budget-friendly travelling without ruining the quality of your experience. Stay patient as I am about to let you in on some secrets.

There are countless attractions around the world to see, such as breath-taking natural views, beautiful landmarks, and every country comes with amazing cultural experiences we can all learn something from. This is created so every person will be able to find a perfect fit for themselves. I have also took an inspiration from a website called Wowcher to create a mystery holiday! Where a person can choose the dates they would like to get away, choose what airport they are flying from but the destination they are going to is a mystery. I think this is perfect for someone who is passionate for a time away and it is not looking for a particular destination. Furthermore, meeting new people within your local area is also crucial when budgeting, this is because they can recommend various places that they have found cheap but give them the experience they’ve longed for.


Holiday packages

As I have previously mention, weather you want to travel alone, with friends or family there are countless things you can do to save money. One of the first key aspects are hotels, instead of choosing 4/5 star hotels, try and look for a 3 start accommodation, there are also apps that can help you find a cheaper place to stay. We have an app called booking, which shows us budged friend places. Another important thing is the dates you are planning to get away, as the summer time season is the most popular season of the year and therefore it is the most expensive, to save money on your holiday it is crucial to book your holiday in advance but also out of peak time as you will be surprised how much cheaper and better options you are able to get.

Mystery holiday package

A mystery holiday price is £150 per person, and it will take you away for 4 nights to any country in the world! All you have to do is choose an airport you wish to fly from and choose the dates you want to have your holiday. Going for this option will not only save you thousands of pounds when booking a regular holiday for yourself and/or family members, but it also relieves the stress of deciding where to go and what place is within your budget, boosting your excitement when the website reveals your holiday destination whilst doubling the savings you would have compared to what you would have when booking a regular holiday.


Low cost attractions around the world

When you are on a budged and still want to see amazing attractions to create unforgettable attractions it’s important to follow these steps. Once you know the destination you are going to , it is important to do some research on that place, as you would be surprised how many amazing things could be around you that you can visit at very low cost or maybe at no cost at all. There might be many museums worth visiting to learn something about the culture of the country, beautiful parks, or maybe street food you’ve yet to try.

Traveling is not only about the destination, it’s about the journey, about the memories, all the beautiful things you can view, but also the experience and the history it holds. By using all the hacks and tips which were provided throughout the blog; you can get away, live your life to the fullest, and still save money.

I hope you have found these tips and hacks beneficial to make your traveling easier whilst saving money! Creating amazing memories as well as expanding your knowledge different cultures that you can teach your family members and future family, motivating them to travel and see the wonders of the world for themselves.



Planning a budget-friendly trip around the world: your ultimate guide. Available at:,of%20these%20opportunities%20to%20explore. Accessed: 06/05/2024

Which- Holidays up to 70% more expensive amid cost of living crisis (1901/2023) Available at: Accessed: 03/05/2024

Wowcher- Mystery holiday. Available at: Accessed: 03/05/2024



3 Films to see before you die

At a time when social networks are gaining in popularity, reaching an ever wider audience, and when we are spending more and more time on them, culture is threatened. Ever fewer young people are visiting UK cinemas. Between 2011 and 2017, admissions by 15-24 year-olds to British cinemas fell by 20.6% (Follows and Michlin, 2019).

What is left of our time for culture?

Through this blog I would like to persuade students to get back into the cinema.

Why is cinema important?

Cinema was born in Lyon in France in 1895. It is considered to be the seventh art, which makes it a relatively new art form compared with other art forms such as painting and music, which have existed for thousands of years. Cinema can be thought of as the art that synthesises other art forms to create itself. In this way, a film is reflected in an image that can be linked to drawing and painting. Music plays a major role in the works. Literature can be found in the way a story is told. And finally, the theatre, which guides the acting.

I therefore think that cinema should be seen as a gateway to all these other art forms.

Oscar Wilde said that ‘All art is quite useless’. I am not going to go into that philosophical question here. Instead, I am going to recommend 3 films that will teach you something and be useful to you.

3 Recommendations : 

 La La Land

Alternative poster by The Stan & Vince

I am starting this recommendation with my favourite film. La La Land is a romantic musical that explores themes such as love, dreams and ambition. The film is a true love letter to the art of cinema. The action takes place in contemporary Los Angeles, where Mia, our main character, is doing her best to make it as an actress in the tough world of Hollywood. She meets Sebastian, a jaded pianist who dreams of a jazz renaissance.

This film reminds us that achieving your dreams takes perseverance and hard work. It shows us that the road to success is strewn with obstacles. The film celebrates the power of art and music to inspire us and bring us together.

La La Land won 6 Academy Awards. It is impossible for this film to leave you indifferent. Its story, its rhythm, its sets and its actors… Nothing is left to chance, everything is well thought out and magnificently realised. Let yourself be carried away by this sun-drenched Los Angeles that is sure to stir your emotions.


Alternative poster by Michael George Haddad

If you prefer science fiction that deals with a topical issue, then Interstellar is for you. The film takes place in the near future, when Earth has become an arid planet where only maize can be grown. Cooper, a former pilot turned farmer, lives alone with his son and daughter. After several sandstorms hit his house, he discovers that a force he cannot explain has given him the coordinates of a secret NASA base. He is then recruited to embark on an expedition to try to save humanity.

The film deals with a number of subjects, including ecology, family and space travel. Furthermore, you will travel to the farthest reaches of space where you will have to show courage, and learn the hard lessons of hope and sacrifice for the future of humanity.

This space odyssey is enhanced by the music of Hans Zimmer. Director Christopher Nolan’s universe is realistic, thanks to the collaboration of several meta physicists to make the film credible. Over the years, Interstellar has become a cult film, winning numerous awards. Let yourself be carried away by this space adventure.

The Truman show

Alternative poster by SG Posters

The latest film I recommend is one of a kind. The Truman show explores themes of reality, freedom and the power of the media. The film stars Truman as an almost ordinary American. He does not know it yet, but he is the star of a reality TV show in which his entire life since birth is filmed and staged, all without his knowledge. Truman lives on an island that is in reality a huge film set. He does not realise that his life is a lie, because he has never left his island and is unaware of the outside world.

While watching the film, several questions come to mind. What is the nature of truth, and the illusion of happiness? Truman seems happy in his near-perfect life, but is it right to hide the truth from someone in order to keep them happy? We can draw parallels with authoritarian regimes like North Korea, where the inhabitants are cut off from the world and spied on by the government. Despite the fact that the film was released in 1998, it tackles a topical issue: the power of media. It looks at the impact of media on our society and the way we consume information. Let yourself be lulled by the poetry of this film.


To conclude, I hope I have inspired you to discover these films. I am sure that these films will leave their mark on you, transport you and leave you dreaming. Cinematographic works are often linked together. What I mean by this is that every great creator is inspired by something or someone, and that cinema is an open door to other types of art.

So the aim of these recommendations is to get students back into the cinema. But also to rediscover the curiosity that lies dormant in all of us.

Art can give us a sense of hope and beauty, even in difficult times. And let’s never forget that art plays a role in shaping our identity.

Do not hesitate to tell me in the comments what you think of each film, and I will try to find you other movies that suit you.

While we wait to see these films, I invite you to listen to this playlist.

5 Fun Ways to Get Fit Without a Gym

Whilst a gym is a great place to work out, it’s not always the easiest or cheapest option for everyone. However, when it comes to exercising from home, it can be almost impossible to motivate yourself. At, we believe that being creative whilst getting fit is a key factor in inspiring you to keep working out.

So we will be looking at these 5 fun ways to get fit without a gym!

Want to skip ahead? Jump to the specific part below:

  1. Skipping
  2. Hula Hooping
  3. Dancing
  4. Trampolining
  5. Try a Sport


Skipping is a fun and straightforward exercise that comes with numerous benefits. It is a great way to get into home workouts and is easily personalised to what you need. Skipping allows you to set the pace and work at your own level, but will also become easier with practise. Eventually, once it is part of your routine, you can begin to change speeds, include tricks, and even make fun routines to your favourite workout songs. If you are looking for a tougher workout, be sure to purchase a weighted skipping rope for a more intense burn.

It is not only fun to skip rope, but it also comes with many health benefits. Skipping can burn as many as 1,600 calories in just an hour and is a great alternative to running or jogging. It is also categorised as a cardio exercise which includes a great number of advantages such as heart and lung health.

For more information on cardio exercise, check out our article The Benefits of Cardio Exercise.

Hula Hooping

Hula hooping is another fun and easy exercise that can be done from home. Not only does it help burn calories, this exercise focuses on the core muscles, resulting in less abdominal fat and a toned stomach. It’s a great way to not only stay fit, but also includes other benefits such as a healthier heart and lungs, improves balance and helps the immune system.

However, hula hooping is not just about the health benefits. With some upbeat music on, it can be easy to complete a fun workout  that incorporates creative routines and changes of pace.

In order to get the full effect on how fun hula hooping can be, it’s important to make sure you have the right music playing, so be sure to check out our article on How to Make the Best Exercise Playlist. 


Dancing is one of the most fun ways to stay healthy. To incorporate it into your routine does not necessarily mean you need to join a dance class, unless, of course, you want to. However, with new interactive apps and websites it is now easy to get the most out of dancing!

YouTube has a variety of guided dance workouts available, therefore if there is anything specific in mind you wish to incorporate, for example, a favourite musician or album you like to workout to, there is a strong chance there is a video perfect for you. To search for some fun dance videos be sure to include key phrases such as:

  • 20 min dance workout
  • Dance workout for beginners 
  • Dance workout full body no equipment

If you are not a fan of YouTube, there are many apps that provide a visual guided workout experience. Whilst not all fitness apps include dance routines, many still incorporate fun workouts and can be very beneficial when trying to stay fit without a gym. 

If you would like to see our favourite exercise apps, make sure to check our list of Fitness Apps That Can Make Exercising at Home Easier.


Trampolining is a great and easy way to stay fit and with an indoor trampoline, this can be achieved at home. It can quickly get your pulse racing and is great for those just beginning their workout journey without a gym.

Working out on a trampoline focuses on your leg muscles however, different moves can be incorporated into your workout to make sure the full body receives attention. An indoor trampoline also includes the ability to start with low impact exercises so you can warm up to a high intensity workout. You can get started and see the progress for yourself with our Marcy Fitness Trampoline here.

For a more guided tutorial on how to use an indoor trampoline, check out our 5 Exercises You Can Do On a Trampoline to get the most out of your workout.  


Try a Sport

If you struggle to motivate yourself, finding a sport you enjoy is a great way to stay on track, especially if you are a competitive person.  Playing a sport helps you commit to a fitness routine and makes sure you get your active hours in during the week. However, sport is also beneficial because you can get fit and stay healthy whilst having an invested interest in something more than just losing weight.

If you are nervous about starting a new sport, make sure to bring a friend to play with or join a team. As long as you are staying active and having fun, it does not matter if you are particularly talented at the sport or not. 

If you are unsure on which sport might be for you, then check out our information on boxing. As an individual sport its great for building strength and staying fit so be sure to read our Boxing Techniques for Beginners and check out our boxing equipment here.


If your workout routine needs some refreshment, or perhaps the gym isn’t for you, then these 5 fun ways to get fit without a gym is a great place to begin. Enjoying your workout is vital for staying motivated, so if you lack the commitment be sure to invest in these fun exercises. 

Before beginning your exercise journey, please be sure to consult your doctor and always be safe when using equipment.

Keeping Fit and Healthy as a Busy Student on a Budget

Being a student it can be hard to get into a routine of healthy exercise, even more so when balancing University work alongside. A look online will bring up a wide range of articles and fitness classes to read and take part in. In this blog I want to offer some guidance as to how you can keep fit and healthy as a busy student on a budget.

My housemates have been trying to get me participating in workouts with them however, I have always had the same feelings when asked. There has always been a high financial commitment attached to joining the gym which has always been off putting for me. Even with the more competitive price of the University gym, I still find the gym as too high of a financial commitment. However, the gym is not the only place to effectively participate in a work out, there are many low cost options of staying fit and healthy that can be considered.

With the introduction of lock down last year I soon found myself looking for ways that I could stay active during those times. Home workouts soon found themselves established into my daily routines. Here are a few of the best ways that I have found to start your health and fitness routine!

Stay Hydrated

Glass of Water by Manu Schwendener on Unsplash

Staying hydrated is an extremely important way of keeping healthy. The NHS recommends that we drink around 6-8 glasses of fluid per day.  The easiest way to do this is to just simply have a glass of water with you whilst you’re studying. I have found this to be an extremely easy way of keeping healthy whilst I am at University. If you are not a fan of water on it’s own you can always add no sugar fruit juice or even a slice of lemon.

Water can also be useful in other areas of fitness such as being used in weight loss treatments, more information can be found here.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Keeping a healthy diet has just as much of an impact on your body as exercise can. If you are exercising you need to maintain a healthy diet otherwise all the hard work being put in is being wasted with a poor diet. Here is a link to an article where there is more information about how eating a balanced diet complements exercise.

When looking to change my diet, I found that one of my favorite ways of satisfying my hunger was through snacking. Everyone loves a snack, I probably love them a bit too much if I am being completely honest. To incorporate more of a balanced diet into my lifestyle, I have tried to start swapping out my snacks for a piece of fruit instead.

It is also important for you to eat properly before and after a workout. Here is a short blog on what you should eat before and after a workout. I would recommend giving this a read before attempting any workouts to ensure that training is effective.

Head Out For a Walk

Walking by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

Walking is one of the easiest and cheapest ways for keeping fit and healthy as a student. Going out for a quick walk has been one of the best ways I have used to stay fit and healthy as a student. A full walking routine does not even have to be implemented into your day, simply walking to the shops instead of driving has the potential for huge benefits to your well being.

I have personally seen improvements to my mood since walking to the shops rather than driving. Being out in open space for a small amount of time is a nice change of scenery which has been a real boost for my mental health. More information on walking and mental health can be found here.  There are other perks of walking too as you get to discover the local area, opening up potential to find new walking routes to try out in the future.

Do not worry if you do not get the chance to go out for a walk. In the next section we are going to look as home workouts as an alternative way to keeping fit and healthy.

Home workouts

Home workouts are another great way that you can stay fit and healthy in your own time. There are an abundance of products that you can try with various workouts that can be used in conjunction with the products. As this blog is more focused on sticking to a budget, products suggested will have multiple uses to maximize the costs of the products.

  • Resistance Bands are a cheap and versatile way of easing into home workouts. Prices start at £15.99 with different prices being found dependent on the resistance of the band. The bands can be used for a full-body workout which I will link here.
  • Dumbbells are another low cost way to start home workouts. Prices start at £13.75 for 2 x 1 kg Dumbbells with prices increasing as the weight increases. Dumbbells can be used for any level too so whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced gym goer, an effective workout can be achieved with dumbbells. I will link a 6 week beginners dumbbell workout here and I will link an arm and upper body workout here.

Dumbbells and Resistance Bands by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

So, here are some really easy and simple ways you can begin to get yourself into a really good healthy routine. Sticking to the new routine will be hard at first, but stick at it! The benefits in the long run are worth it over the initial breaking into the new routine period and you will begin to feel so much better.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Target customers

The product revolves around home fitness. During its popular period, people pay more attention to sports health, which brings unlimited potential business opportunities. The target customer group for millennials aged 18-24 is the main consumer group. In-depth understanding of their consumption habits, increase online purchase channels, improve adaptability, to obtain more fun and better course combinations, create a high frequency of use among millennial customers, and attract more customers to join the home fitness program.

Clients between the ages of 18 and 24 pursue fitness and a strong body. At this age, they are in the golden stage of physical development, and their bones are fully mature and strong. This type of customer group recommends fitness exercises and equipment. According to the different needs of customers for fitness, the system is suitable for customers’ fitness programs and equipment. Need to understand the customer’s self-positioning, ideal goals, nutritional arrangements, fitness frequency and other information. The purpose of the exercise is to give priority to anaerobic training, supplemented by aerobic training. This is the mature physiological function of men and women aged 18 to 24, with a high level of metabolism and strong secretion of growth hormone. This age group is the golden stage to improve strength and shape. It also satisfies the psychological satisfaction of the 20-year-old age group and the pursuit of bodybuilding.

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On the other hand, they are also a high-risk group of obesity, reasonable exercise to lose weight and a healthy diet. It is recommended to match with equipment, fitness is mainly to increase muscle strength, exercise is relatively large, and at the same time, pay attention to science and comprehensiveness, and it is suitable to choose growth fitness equipment. For example, multifunctional home fitness series, tensioners, grips, dumbbells, supine support, dumbbells, multifunctional treadmills, etc., to obtain the best muscle condition. Healthy recipes, leading users to complete at home, need protein powder and supplements for muscle training to achieve the goal of healthy weight loss.

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Digital user platform

Social networking, fitness at home after getting off work, is not only a way of life but also a way for people to socialize. The main users of the APP are young people, in line with the product’s digital marketing channel, which integrates all equipment information, coach records, new product promotions, nutrition and fitness knowledge. Establish a communication community for fitness users, and users are located in the community. Divided into three parts, the first part includes sports dynamics, sports rankings and sharing with friends. Users who reach established fitness goals or use fitness goals frequently will be rewarded, which can be used to exchange coaching courses or as gifts to friends. In the second part, all family customers who have purchased fitness equipment have an APP account to record the customer’s weight, body fat, muscle content, fitness goals, fitness recipes and other customer information. In the third part, users adapt to the forum, satisfying the sharing desire and sense of honour of modern young people. They share and exchange fitness photos and results. These photos will attract fans and likes from different users and users who created influencer.

手上拿着手机 描述已自动生成


Fitness trainer

Tailored for the user, a variety of fitness training for you to choose training under the guidance of the coach at home, not limited by space. Fitness is done at home to avoid boredom and boredom. Provides different fitness combinations and guides. Coaches and employees need to form a team in the background. This is especially important for new users, beginners and users who need to lose weight. To urge users to reach their goals, they can share food photos and sleep time and other information exchanges every day. Fitness plans are tailor-made for customers with different needs and arranged according to customers’ equipment and fitness needs. The recording and broadcasting of star coaches are lively and interesting and provide personalized and personalized services according to the characteristics and needs of the crowd. Celebrity coaches need to be established on the platform to attract more fans and clicks. Operate fan management to better interact with users and understand their needs, to meet user needs.

图形用户界面 描述已自动生成

Data usage

The existing digital marketing SES (Search Engine Service) has created the company’s celebrity coaches and celebrity members from the media to increase media traffic and exposure. For example, young people such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and TikTok use advanced social platforms to encourage users to share fitness photos and experiences on different social platforms or cooperate with companies to create fitness network celebrities. Customers who are between 18-24 years old and have little work experience or fitness experience are novices. Different work experience is required, and you can use this method to work with them. Promote the company’s products on social platforms first. Secondly, use the fan effect to promote the equipment and recruit more fitness fans, which can turn them into potential users, and establish free coaching and nutrition guidance course services.

图形用户界面 描述已自动生成




During the COVID-19 pandemic, the extension of home fitness habits will gradually enlarge, and the audience will continue to change in the future, which will accelerate the popularity of online fitness and gradually form a sense of identity among users. The future epidemic will pass, how to plan the strategy facing the home fitness market in the future. There is a surge in users. With the addition of professional and semi-professional users, the existing fitness content can no longer meet the quality and quantity needs of “critical” users. Two groups of non-deep users and semi-professional users are testing the “diversified” content construction capabilities of online fitness. In the future, the industry will continue to provide home fitness users with integrated and innovative solutions for weight loss and fitness through fitness equipment in the form of a more refined division of labour.

On the other hand, the ability of the public to identify high-quality fitness content and services has been strengthened, making high-quality content and service provision stand out, accelerating the continuous optimization and upgrading of online equipment, coaching content and recipes. We will move towards a more benign model and development direction in terms of user conversion, content and service upgrades, diversified monetization models, and efficiency improvements.


The best ways to stay mentally and physically prepared for your profession.

Living in the unprecedented times that we currently do, the pandemic has forced many people to put their careers and professions on hold, in particular the Musical Theatre industry; a high intensity, hard working and extremely physical job.

For me and many other fellow performers it has been a matter of making sure our mental well-being and physical health has been looked after in preparation for theatres to return again so we can go back to pursuing our career just like many others will have had to do in other professions, such as personal training or other sporting careers.

Key motivators for your profession that can be specific to YOU…

As hard as staying motivated is during these times where motivation has to be driven by yourself and nobody else, there are many ways to keep positive and stay motivated for when your profession returns such as:

  • Setting realistic physical achievements that will enhance and improve your performance when you return to work such as walking 5000 steps per day or joining in a live workout three times a week to build up stamina again.
  • Make the physical exercise you are doing specific to YOU and your profession. As an example on a long walk I would listen to music from the musical I am going to be working in next to motivate me and help me enjoy the physical exercise more. Make. It. Suit. You.
  • Make a story board or a mood board with pictures of all of the things you would like to achieve or things that inspire you that you can set as your Lock Screen on your phone to remind you daily of where you would eventually like to be in your career.

Here is an example of mine…

An interview with Musical Theatre professionals…

Here is a clip of fellow Musical Theatre performers Alex Steele, Maddison Rowe and Esme Bacalla-Hayes answering some of my questions on how they are staying mentally and physically healthy in preparation for when the industry reopens again. Including advice and insightful information as to how and what YOU could do to improve mental well being, motivation and physical performance in preparation for YOUR profession…

An overview of general tips the girls suggested that help with mental health that everyone can benefit from…

  • Make a to do list for the day ahead and check things off as and when you do things, great for peace of mind and to relieve stress.
  • Make your bed and tidy your room, as silly as it sounds it really does make you feel a whole lot better.
  • Try to keep yourself in a routine throughout the day, it keeps the mind occupied and focused.
  • Most importantly, KEEP GOING, YOU’VE GOT THIS. A positive mental attitude is key.

Physical exercise and its effects on your mental well-being…

It becomes very apparent after talking with three professionals that are awaiting their career to restart that physical exercise can have a huge impact on not just your physical health but your mental well-being and motivation too which are both huge factors to keep in mind during the current circumstances where mental well-being and motivation can be affected the most.

Things physical exercise can help with in particular are:

  • Positivity.
  • Feeling more alert and energised.
  • Relieving stress.
  • Sleeping better.
  • Increase in self confidence.

So here are some tips on how to specifically stay PHYSICALLY prepared for your profession…

At home workouts!

At home workouts are a great way to start getting physically prepared for your career again. It is something you can do at your own pace within the comfort of your own home, without feeling like you have to keep up with anyone else. It is also a FREE and easy way to keep active without needing much equipment.

Setting 3 workouts per week on specific days would be a great place to start to enable your body and mind to adapt to the changes that are being made in regards to physical exercise, when you feel ready you can build the quantity of workouts OR how long you workout for.

‘Short on time? Hate the gym?  Too tired to exercise after work? 10 minute workouts are just what you need.’

If you’re struggling to find the right ones for you here are some of the workouts I like to use for some inspiration…

  • Gabby Allen workouts.
  • Courtney Black workouts.
  • Joe Wicks workouts.

These are all FREE and available on either YouTube, Instagram or Facebook so go and have a try!


A simple walk can work wonders!

’Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier’

Walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise yet it is so beneficial for both the mind and body. Taking a long walk can be just as beneficial as a short workout in regards to burning calories. A great way to track how far you have walked and how many calories you have burned is buy using the ‘Fitness’ App on either your phone or Apple Watch if you have access to one.
Here is an example of a walk I went on and just LOOK at how many calories I burned… from a walk!


However with this all being said this is just a reminder to everyone that it is very much OKAY to have days where you don’t feel motivated or don’t feel like you want to workout and be your most productive self. It is OKAY to feel anxious or stressed about the future and how your profession will be affected by this pandemic. It is OKAY to rest and take a day to look after your mental health in other, more comforting ways. Do you know why? Because we are human and each day is never the same for many reasons. The most important thing is that we have the tools and knowledge to come back from these more trying and difficult days, knowing that the simple walk or workout may make you feel that little bit better…


How to improve your mental wellbeing through fitness and exercise

Limitations live only in our minds.  But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. – Jamie Paolinetti

Maintaining our mental wellbeing is one of the most important aspects which helps contribute toward a healthy fulfilled life, there are an endless variety of ways you can ensure you are taking care of yourself mentally and fitness and exercise are some of the most effective methods. It is clear the benefits that exercise has on our physical body, but people often don’t realise the great positive effects that maintaining exercise also has on the mind! Exercise has in fact be proven to be so great for the mind that those who suffer from challenging mental health battles such as depression and anxiety have felt an improvement mentally, the effects of the illnesses can be eased due to the positive influence that fitness has on the mind and the raise of serotonin that it creates within the mind. The most challenging step can be motivation, but if you can motivate yourself to persist through the first steps of your fitness journey then you can change the way you live your life through the power of exercise.

Not yet aware of how exercises and fitness methods can improve and maintain your mental health? Let’s take a look at some of the best exercises to help get you on your journey to feeling the best version of yourself!






Running is one of the best forms of exercise you can do due to its endless benefits, it is one of the most beneficial forms of cardio. Running is so easily accessible to all who wish to try it, however if you prefer not to run outdoors you can opt to run using a treadmill which can be just as effective! its all about your personal preference, the exercise is also open to all ages from the younger generations to the elderly who wish to take up a new hobby or continue their running habits. Running  can also be enjoyed at all different levels and paces to suit your fitness level and age range, the key to running is enjoyment and the incredible health benefits to the mind and body are a bonus.

Still not convinced that running and exercise can help improve your mental wellbeing to a great extent? Check out the video below!

If you’re not sure if running is for you then not to worry, there’s a much more laid back method of fitness you can try!








Yoga is an extremely well known term, nevertheless many people do not actually realise how astounding yoga can be for not only improving your physical health but also your mental health. Yoga has allot of stigma surrounding it as many see it as simply a socialising opportunity, however yoga is one of the best exercises for increasing your body strength.  There are many different types of yoga poses so your choice is endless, there is something for everyone which makes yoga so enjoyable and appealing. As we are focusing on the topic of mental health, listed below are some the most prominent yoga benefits that can help improve and maintain your frame of mind and overall mental health situation.

Watch the video below to see just how effective yoga is at improving mental health and wellbeing!

If you’re still not sure whether yoga is right for you and it doesn’t seem like something you want to try, you can take a look at another effective exercise method listed below.

Resistance Training






Resistance training can be so gripping due to the vast variety of exercises it contains, you are simply not limited to one form of exercise for example if you don’t find lifting weights is a good choice for you then you can try kettlebells or powerbands instead to strengthen your body. Anyone of any age can also enjoy resistance training, just like running and yoga there is no age barrier that blocks you from enjoying and partaking in the exercises due to their being options for everyone’s body strengths and age preference.  Maintaining muscle strength is particularly important as we age and ensures we stay as healthy as possible physical wise, however resistance training is also brilliant at helping our mental wellbeing

In order to see a clearer picture of how effective resistance training can be for your mental wellbeing, watch the video below which shows how simple a form of resistance training can be incorporated into your life. The video also shows that not all forms of resistance training have to be more challenging to begin with for those of you who want to take a less intense approach!


It is important to remember that just like physical health, mental health progress also takes time and it is not one short easy road. With that being said, remind yourself that the journey to improvement and change is taking the first step. Through exercise and fitness of your physical body you can also help improve and ensure that your mental wellbeing is also taken care of,  the hope is that this blog gives you some encouragement of just how incredible exercise can be in helping transform, ease and manage your mental health so you can get the absolute best out of your life.



Yoga is not just a sport

Yoga is one of the oldest physical exercises in the “Oriental”. It originally originated in India 5000 years ago and is now popular all over the world. Yoga is not only the exclusive choice for middle-aged people, but also more and more young and old people join the ranks of yoga practice.
A disease-free body, a violence-free society, a confusion-free mind, a inhibition-free intellect, a trauma-free memory, a sorrow-free soul and a quiver-free breath is the impact that Yoga can make on your life.

Yoga is not only exclusive to middle-aged people


Indian Prime Minister Modi is also a yoga enthusiast

A young girl said: “I tried Pilates, NTC, HIIT, madness and other methods. This is the most effective exercise training on the market for weight loss and shaping. After being exposed to yoga, I felt unprecedented strength. I completely changed Now, this change is not only physically, but also mentally.”
However, some elderly people think that yoga is only suitable for young people or people with better flexibility. In fact, yoga is suitable for people of all ages and physical levels. The latest research shows that yoga is especially helpful for people over 60 years old and can improve their flexibility and balance.

If you are a beginner, a yoga mat is essential.



Thousands of years ago, in India a long time ago, in order to enter the highest state of the unity of nature and man, eminent monks often lived in secluded forests and meditated. After living in a simple life for a long time, the eminent monks realized many natural yoga aesthetic principles from observing living things, and then verified the living principles of living things to humans, and gradually sensed the subtle changes inside the body, so humans understood Dialogue with your own body, so as to know how to explore your own body, begin to maintain and regulate health, as well as the healing instinct for disease and pain. Thousands of years of research have been summed up, and a set of theoretically complete and practical body-building and fitness system has been gradually developed. This is yoga.

Systemic physical improvement

Systematic fitness    


There are various benefits of practicing yoga, including accelerating the body’s metabolism, removing waste from the body, and helping the body to repair. Yoga can enhance body strength and body elasticity, so that the body’s limbs develop in a balanced manner. Yoga can also prevent and treat various physical and mental diseases: back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, headache, joint pain, insomnia, digestive disorders, dysmenorrhea, hair loss, etc. Yoga can regulate the whole body system, improve blood circulation, promote endocrine balance, reduce stress and nourish the heart, release the body and mind, and achieve the purpose of self-cultivation. Other benefits of yoga include improving immunity, concentration, increasing vitality, and improving vision and hearing, and so on.


Relieve muscle stress


With the increase of age, the quality of muscles is deteriorating day by day. The charm of yoga is that even an ordinary Hatha yoga practice can relieve the practitioner’s muscle pressure and increase muscle resilience. Downward dog pose, plank pose, warrior 1 pose, and warrior 2 pose are particularly suitable for yoga beginners, and they have a good effect on improving strength. While practicing yoga, we need to replenish moisture appropriately, so a beautiful water bottle may bring you a good mood all day long.


Increase flexibility


With the passage of time and the reduction of activity, the muscles of the elderly lose some elasticity, and it is even difficult for some elderly people to bend over and bend their knees to tie a shoelace in daily life.
For these elderly people with poor flexibility and flexibility, it is recommended to try sitting forward flexion. People who have difficulty can use yoga bands to stretch their shoulders and hamstrings; cat pose or wheel pose can also be flexible for the spine; sprint pose can open hip flexion Muscles; Side Bend Mountain Pose can stretch muscles along the trunk.


Increase positive emotions


Some elderly people feel lonely and lonely. Joining a yoga class can broaden the social circle of the elderly and get to know more friends. In addition, yoga is recognized as an “emotional booster.” Heart-opening yoga poses and back bending poses like cobra pose, boat pose, and bridge pose have been proven to increase the positive emotions of patients with depression. Practicing yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation can help improve mood, bring more positive energy, and reduce anxiety.


Relax and reduce stress


Yoga and Life

We can use the exercise and relaxation of yoga to allow us to focus on stretching and strengthening the muscles of the body. When our body and mind are in a state of complete relaxation and focus on stretching the limbs, we can release negative emotions and begin to have Positive emotions enable us to achieve a state of mind of “combining with nature”.




Anti-aging is no longer a topic for middle-aged and elderly people. More and more young people are joining this topic. Yoga is the exercise that can achieve this effect. Why can yoga be anti-aging? Because long-term yoga practice can improve body functions in the following aspects to achieve anti-aging results. 1) Enhance bone density​ 2) Relieve arthritis​ 3) Strengthen core​, stay away from back pain 4) Improve circulation​ 5) Protect ligaments 6) Relieve tendinitis​ 7) Say goodbye to stiffness​ 8) Refuse menopause​ 9) Avoid high Blood pressure​ 10) Avoid asthma​ 11) Improve respiratory function​ 12) Relieve insomnia​ 13) Regulate chronic diseases.

Positive Impact of Yoga on Brain and Mental Health


There are many studies that show that yoga and meditation can improve our memory and concentration. Both yoga and meditation help us play a higher level role in work, home or school. Yoga helps people deal with adverse situations in a more realistic way. It teaches people to accept and release negative energy, and know how to be grateful, which is necessary to deal with this negative and stressful situation. We can think of yoga as an art, which helps us connect with ourselves on a deeper level. Yoga is a low-impact exercise that involves each of our organs and body parts and our breathing patterns to create balance in our body and mind.
Every action we practice yoga activates the nervous system-brain, muscles, bones and emotions at the same time. Yoga poses bring a holistic change, helping us lead a balanced and fulfilling life.


Consult your physician, doctor or other professional before starting any exercise or nutrition program. This is especially important for people over the age of 35 or those with pre-existing health problems. In accordance with our advice, is not responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain or any other unusual symptoms, stop exercising immediately and consult your doctor immediately.

Going For Gold: A Comprehensive Guide To Starting Running

The most frequent question I am asked is ‘how do you get started running?’. Surely if you can walk then you can also run? Whilst running may seem simple to get started (well for the majority it is) there are a few basic tips I would like to recommend to help you train more efficiently. 

Whether you are a complete beginner or a casual jogger, we’ve put together 5 top tips which will help you to get going! 

Interested in a specific part? Skip right ahead  
1.0 Find The Perfect Shoe:
2.0 Be Realistic With Your Goal:
3.0 Preparing To Start
– 4.0 Listen To Your Body:
5.0 Most Importantly… Have Fun: 

Benefits Of Running: 
What’s great about running? Compared to other sports/exercises you may encounter, running simply doesn’t require much equipment to start off with – whether you partake on a treadmill or simply hit the streets, the option is entirely yours to make!

1: Find The Perfect Shoe:
Whilst it may be tempting to pick up a generic running shoe that is on offer at your local sports shop, we highly recommend that you get measured by a specialist. Whilst this is likely the more expensive option; as a runner, you’ll encounter almost every surface imaginable (depending on your location) from grass to concrete. Having shoes that have been adequately measured will ensure your foot is best cushioned for the impact it endures.

In the case of myself, I started out with an old pair of trainers I had lying around, whilst I thought this was quite sufficient – I quickly found I was getting a sharp pain in the instep of my foot which forced me to be sidelined for a couple of weeks. 

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

2: Be Realistic With Your Goal:
As the classic saying goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ and nor is your first 5k!

If you are starting out from the very beginning, your first weeks into running may feel very difficult – that’s perfectly ok. Whilst everyone trains at their own pace, set yourself small goals to achieve – you may find many training plans posted online, spend time before you start to really find one that’s best for you.

We recommend starting out with two-mile runs for the first 4 weeks of your schedule – increasing the distance only once you’re consistently running that distance comfortably.  Should you struggle with pacing, we highly recommend that you check out the NHS couch to 5k app, this program alternates walking and running to help you build you up with the end goal of pushing you to run 5k (3.1 miles) after just 9 weeks! 

For me personally, I started running during my Erasmus year in Sevilla. I started with very little experience of running long distances and I didn’t really know where to begin. Thankfully, I happened to live 2 minutes away from the Guadalquivir river that had a 9.4km route marked out. Whilst I initially struggled to break the 3.2 km (2 miles) barrier, I found that after two months of training – 3-4 times per week, I was able to push myself further with a consistent 9.6 km (6 miles) run several times per week. 

It is noted: whilst this schedule worked for me – this may not be adequate for you. 

How I progressed during my training: left (week 1) – right (week 15)

3: Preparing To Start:
So – you’ve got your route, playlist and water (optional) sorted, that’s a great start. However, before you even think about lacing your shoes, take 5-10 minutes to properly warm up. Research shows that as many as 79% of all runners (regardless of skill) will get injured at least once per calendar year. Much of this can be avoided by simply taking the time to loosen up and mentally prepare yourself for what is to come. 

What should you focus on in this warmup? Ideally, you should focus on stretching your legs (as shown in the image) and slowly elevating your heart rate to minimise the strain once you begin – take a couple of minutes to walk at a brisk pace before setting off.

Personally, I like to use this time to focus my mind. Regardless of what you have done so far in the day or what you have to sort when you’re finished, put this to the back of your mind as you focus on achieving your goal.  

Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

4: Listen To Your Body:
We’ve all been there – 300 metres away from achieving that new personal best, but your body is telling you that it simply cannot go any further… listen. Not every session will result in you achieving a personal best – as a new runner, it is important that you learn to stick with your training plan and most importantly listen to what your body is telling you, don’t ignore them nagging pains. Whilst it may be frustrating to end your session, you could be preventing a serious injury

As I was training for my first 10k, I was coming extremely close to achieving my goal – I had gone 9k during my previous sessions quite comfortably and thought I would go the full distance. As I reached the 9.5km mark, a sharp pain in my left knee started. Instead of calling it, I wrongly decided to push for my new personal best and as a result aggravated the pain further. I found myself once again sidelined and when I did return, I was wearing a knee bandage to alleviate some of the pain (which I still have to wear). 

Mistakes Were Made.

5: Most Importantly… Have Fun:
Whether you are running for fitness or training for a race, I simply cannot stress this enough… have fun! 

I see far too many people consider running a form of torture. I can assure you; this couldn’t be further from the truth! Running can truly be rewarding, if you’re fortunate enough to live near rural areas, rivers or cities be sure to check them out or your run – there is a world out there just waiting to be explored! 

Sevilla, Spain. Captured on one of my runs

Ryan Smith

MSc Advertising and
Marketing Student