All posts by ALICE NEALE

SLEEP: Trust Me It Matters!

SLEEP: Trust Me It Matters!

Tips to Fitness With Less Exercise

The foundation of both good health and a positive outlook is getting enough sleep. However, when was the last time you felt renewed, awake, and optimistic—ready to face the day? Or fall asleep effortlessly and without stress?

These days as a GenZ my last priority is the quality of my sleep. With the ever growing pressure to uphold a well paying job while maintaining a bustling social life and healthy diet, sleep is the last thing on my mind. As many of us are aware we can’t function in our day to day activities without a morning boost from our beloved coffee….. or three, most likely due to our poor sleeping schedules.

Although an involuntary and occasionally unwanted process, sleep is the pillar for maintaining a strong mental and physical health. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 3 tips and tricks to help you fall into a deep sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go for the day. If you need better sleep then keep reading.

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  1. A strong sleep routine.
  2. Diet and exercise
  3. Unfortunately, a caffeine restriction


Establishing routine contributes in better sleep. Sometimes it’s referred to as sleep hygiene (Suni, 2020).  Practicing good sleep hygiene is shown to be one of the easiest and most effective methods to prepare yourself for improved sleep. Having a bedroom setup and daily schedule that encourage regular, undisturbed sleep are both important components of good sleep hygiene. You can individually customise your sleep hygiene routine to meet your own needs. By doing this, you can develop healthy habits that will help you sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed.

Establishing regular time to begin winding down and finding means to relax, such as meditation, listening to calming music or reading are essential components of healthy sleep regimen. Another excellent sleeping habit is going to bed and wake up at set times. regular sleep schedule should ideally be followed every day, even othe weekends.

Try following my nightly routine to see is it works for you!

  • Maintain Your Routine: You may ingrain in your mind that it is time for bed by going through the same motions every night, such as putting on your pyjamas and brushing your teeth. I typically do this after having a warm drink about an hour before my bed time.
  • Set aside 30 minutes to wind down. Use this time for anything that helps you relax, such as reading, gentle stretching, listening to relaxing music, or doing some relaxation exercises. Personally I like to listen to a podcast while practicing deep breathing exercises.
  • Dim Your Lights: The body produces melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, but strong lights might interfere with this process. Try to avoid them by bringing out all those warm light lamps and LED’s to make a calming environment. Who even uses the “big light” these days anyway.
  • Disconnect all electronics: Include a device-free pre-bed buffer period of 30 to 60 minutes. In addition to producing blue light, which may reduce the generation of melatonin, cell phones, tablets, and laptops stimulate the brain in ways that are difficult to switch off.
  • Lastly practice Methods of Testing Relaxation: It’s usually better to concentrate on relaxation rather than making it your goal to fall asleep. You can prepare yourself for bed by practicing mindfulness, meditation, timed breathing, and other relaxation techniques.


The three cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle are exercise, diet, and sleep. People can live longer if they make even one of these lifestyle improvements.

Even though there are countless and complex manners in which diet, exercise, and sleep interact, enhancing all three may be healthier for your mental and physical well-being. Discover the relationships between these activities and the reasons that, according to research, your well-being increases as you develop these behaviors.

Our melatonin production is regulated by exposure to daylight, which helps us feel more alert and awake during the day and ready for bed at night(NIH, 2021). Have you ever had a day where you’re just relaxing in the sun and yet when you get into bed you feel instantly ready for sleep? One tip to do this daily is to get outside during your lunch break or open your curtains as soon as you wake up since daylight can help with a strong sleep routine.

Avoid eating too late: After consuming substantial meals, make sure to give your body enough time to digest. Aim for an early meal in the evening.

Move your body: Even though moving around during the day is healthy, try to get in a couple days a week of consistent, moderate activity. Give your body a few hours to relax after working out before going to bed to avoid working out too close to bedtime.

Get natural light: If you want to keep your body in tune with its natural sleep rhythms, try exercising outside where you can enjoy the day’s natural light.


In actuality, the process of winding down at night actually starts throughout the day. It entails getting up early to exercise, avoiding foods that could upset your stomach, limiting caffeine (coffee, tea, and soda) after lunch, and maybe skipping happy hour because consuming alcohol  late in the day can impair your sleep quality.

According to the findings of a 2013 study by Drake et al., 400 mg of caffeine consumed 0, 3, or even 6 hours before bed considerably impairs sleep. Caffeine lowered sleep duration by more than an hour, even at six hours. If this level of sleep loss persists over several nights, it could negatively impact daily functioning. Read more on this study at Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours before Going to Bed | Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine ( Although we don’t want to believe it our most loved drink might be one of the biggest factors in our sleep prevention.

If you found any of these tips useful in improving your sleep habits or have found something different that works for you, leave a comment below and share your tricks to a better nights sleep.